Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September Sweetness

Fall has arrived and it brings with it crisp mornings, clear sunlight, the occasional autumnal drizzle, and, of course, our new cupcake of the month! Growing up in orchard country, Autumn always meant one thing to me: apple harvest. Up early and up in the trees, we'd always nab a few apples before school, then leave the rest of the apples to be picked by the pros (our parents). Our own pros here at Yummy Stuff have taken freshly harvested apples and baked them into September's cupcake of the month: our Yummy Apple Cinnamon Cupcake.

The name just about says it all, but there's a secret filling missing... I've never been good with secrets so I'll spill! It an apple cinnamon cupcake with a bourbon caramel filling and a cinnamon buttercream frosting. It tastes like a cozy day in Nana's kitchen, and we all know our sassy grandmothers would add a swig of bourbon to their caramel. Even though I'm a grown (-ish) lady now, you can find me in the kitchen at Yummy Stuff begging to lick the spoon when our bakers are finished making the caramel!

With such an abundance of apples available in Autumn we couldn't help but bake them -instead of the proverbial blackbirds- into pies! When you cut into these buttery pies, a wealth of sweet and juicy apples spills out. Though no birds may be singing as in the nursery rhyme (if anything, they've started migrating south), you can still proclaim "what a dainty dish to set before the king!" (If Canada had a king that is. "Prime Minister" just doesn't seem to have the right ring to it). Either way, our apple treats are fit for royalty...and for you!

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