Wednesday, March 4, 2015

You know what March means...

It's March, which we all know means it's time to think Spring (and maybe the weather will warm up under the force of our collective will!). The weather is gradually warming up - I even undid a couple buttons on my jacket while walking to work this morning. Negative five is practically a tropical paradise these days. Of course, we still have a foot of snow, but birds are returning! Spring is determinately on its way! Spring time means green things: leaves, grass, Ireland, St. Patrick's Day. Here at Yummy Stuff we like to get in touch with our Irish roots with a dark and dreamy Guinness Cupcake of the Month. We pair this Guinness spiked chocolate cupcake with a smooth Bailey's infused cream cheese buttercream frosting - like the foamy head on your pint at the pub! Just look at this beauty:

The best part about this cupcake? You don't have to wait until after noon to eat it! There's no shame in day-cupcake-eating!

We here at Yummy Stuff also love March for one nerdy reason: Pi(e) Day, March 14th! Being a bakeshop, we tend to embrace the pastry side of this informal holiday, but if you know Pi to more than 3 decimal places, come on in and impress us! I think the current calculation is up 10 trillion places and counting...While you're in the shop doing homage to Greek mathematicians, why not pick up a tasty apple or pecan pie?

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