Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy New Year!

After a great Christmas and a fabulous break, I'm glad to wish all of our customers and friends a very Happy New Year!

How was your holiday season? Ours was jam packed; we made a record number of gift boxes & baked a record number of cookies!  I wish I could give you an exact number our hard working bakers pumped out this year but we lost count. After the craziness of our holiday orders, we were able to take a nice. long. break. We closed up shop and relaxed!

It's hard to believe we've only just begun the Winter season.  Let's keep our eye on the prize (Spring!) and stay in hibernation mode.  We can help keep you in a nice, cozy, pajamas-all-day state of mind (cupcakes are a great hibernation food!).  Our feature flavour this month is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. I could just mention that it's got Nutella in it, and that would likely win many of you over. You'd say something like "you had me at Nutella!"  But I'm not stopping there.  It's a banana cupcake- just so you know, our banana cupcake is the best thing ever. I'm a BIG banana cake/bread fan, and I'm not quite sure how all of the banana flavour gets into one little, perfect mouthful, but it does! Hidden inside of the banana cupcake is a little surprise dollop of Nutella. The whole delicious thing is topped off with an absolutely fabulous Nutella buttercream. You really couldn't get yummier if you tried!
Resolutions, Schmesolutions! It's already January 14th! Which means you only have 17 more days to enjoy one of these little nuggets of deliciousness. Better start eating now!

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